
Welcome to Haven Home Tech

Hello everyone, my name is Kathy Jones! I am very passionate about home techs, and I read and research widely on current trends that improve home living.

I started HavenHomeTech.com to blog on various home appliances and devices. As you know, today’s world has become even more interesting with technology. The integration between home appliances, internet and smart phones has created a whole different future altogether.

In the course of my research I have encountered amazing products and ideas that I have chosen to share with you… even as I continue to unravel more..

Our reviews and information articles are well researched and offers an unbiased guide to prepare our readers make the most suitable decisions.

I hope you enjoy this website – it’s dedicated to helping you find the best techs for your home by equipping you with the right and necessary information! If you have any questions or feedback, comment on any post and I’ll get back to you quickly!