The layout of your house may make it inevitable to have furniture or beds near fixtures such as electric wall heaters.

As a result, you may be worried about fire safety, damaging your furniture or blocking the heat waves coming from the heater to warm your house.
It is recommended to keep furniture at a distance of at least 1 meter from an electric wall heater for safety reasons.
This will ensure that the furniture does not come into contact with the heater and potentially cause a fire hazard.
Additionally, placing furniture too close to the heater can reduce its efficiency and cause uneven distribution of heat in the room.
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Can you put furniture in front of baseboard heaters?
It is not desirable to put furniture directly in front of baseboard heaters as it can block the heat from circulating properly and lead to potential fire hazards.
It is important to maintain a safe distance of at least 1 meter between your furniture and baseboard heaters to prevent any risks.
how to protect furniture from baseboard heaters
In case it is practically impossible to have your furniture 1 meter away, consider mitigation measures to prevent excessive heat damaging your furniture.
You can cover your furniture with a thick heat resistant material
Can you put a bed against a baseboard heater?
No, it is not safe to put a bed against a baseboard heater as it can be a fire hazard.
The heat emitted from the heater can ignite the bedding materials or any other flammable materials that may be near it.
Although, beds and mattresses in the US and the UK, for example, have to be made from fire retardant materials, it is good to err on the side of caution.
It is recommended to keep a distance of at least 1 meter between the bed and the heater to avoid any potential danger.
Also Read: Can Curtains Hang Above Baseboards?