While the indispensable idea of a smart meter is to be a source of accurate power consumption data in your home, could there be hidden dangers that you are not privy to?
The answer is yes and I will explain this shortly. I know there are concerns about smart meters increasing the risks of one getting cancer or hampering medical devices, for example pacemakers.
It is essential that the power or gas utility company measure the actual usage of power drawn from their grid if they are to bill you.

In the past, the meters installed required a person to come over to your house and note down the readings. In this arrangement, billing errors is a common phenomenon.
From this data, you then receive an invoice to honor.
However, in our modern days, the system has been remodelled. The utility company in a bid to eliminate all the inefficiencies associated in having a human collect the meter readings, adopted the smart meter.
To put it plainly, the smart meter has the capacity to collect accurate data of your power consumption and channel the information to the service provider. The means by which this is made possible is through radio frequency signals similar to what will be observed in cell phones or wifi signals.
Now, it is from these electromagnetic waves that scores of health concerns have cropped up.
The communication between smart meters and their counterparts at the central utility station is based on RF signals that emit EMF radiation.
It is for this reason that you need to know how to block smart meter radiation.
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How to block EMF from Smart Meter
Radiation of any amount is detrimental / toxic to body cells.
Essentially, the amount of radiation depends on a couple of factors.
- The amount of radiation energy emitted from the source.
- How far from the source of radiation you are
- The duration one is exposed to the radiation
- Whether the radiation source is shielded or not
Looking at the factors outlined above, smart meters are constantly at home and hence point no. 3 becomes a crucial factor.
As many people would say, the radiation emitted by smart meters may not be high intensity ( see research in UK and Australia) but when you consider the duration of exposure, then it is conclusively harmful to your overall wellbeing.
If you employ point no. 4, blocking the emf emanating from your smart meter is an option that will afford you substantial benefits.
In most situations I find that the smart meter is installed outside the house and that makes the effects of the RF signals less harmful to you – because mostly you spend a majority of your time in the house.
Furthermore, the walls obstruct the signals and help neutralize the radiation.
If you prefer to safeguard yourself still, you can install a smart meter cover that keeps off the radiation.
Smart Meter Cover
The smart meter cover is an EMF shield that houses your smart meter hence effectively preventing RF waves from leaking.
In most cases, they employ the faraday cage concept.
The main considerations that you have to make include:
- The material used to construct – you want durability and not a material that will degrade over time
- The cover should fit in properly around the meter
- No interference to the signals your smart meters should be giving to the utility company
- Ease of installation
- No leakage of EMF
Is my smart meter safe?
The general perception is that smart meters are safe. You can check on your model of smart meter the safety standard they prescribe to.
The radiation emitted by smart meters is categorized as non ionizing radiation.
Therefore it is considered to have low risk to harm the body.
According to the Canadian government, smart meters are safe for use.
As an additional precautionary measure you can incorporate a radiation blocker on the smart meter.
Are there other health concerns apart from Cancer?
Besides cancer, people have associated RF radiation to cause sleep disorders, headache, fatigue and general mind disturbance.
It is worth noting that we still lack proven scientific evidence that undoubtedly links smart meter radiation and these health problems.
Arguably, the radiation from smart meters is not considered harmful as it is not heightened enough to cause a DNA change in the human body.
Radiation that is capable of modifying the DNA is deemed to be carcinogenic for example.
However, RF signals are stipulated as potential carcinogenic for humans.
As a precaution, you can have a smart meter cover to protect yourself from dangers science may not yet have broadcast, especially since it is low cost.
Obviously, more studies are required to link RF signals such as those emitted by smart meters to cancer.
If you are worried about smart meters radiation, then you may also want to start worrying about the car key’s RF signals, your WIFI router, wireless speaker, your smart phone EMF and many other favorite devices.
There are solutions that cover your whole house EMF prevention needs.